Why The iPhone 11 Pro Is Better Than iPhone 13 Pro

Simple Alpaca
3 min readNov 26, 2021

Welcome back everyone, I will be honest, the iPhone 13 Pro is probably the best iPhone out there, I’m in love with this phone, and I think it’s really one of the best phones you can go and buy, but the previous phone that I used (the iPhone 11 Pro) was such a solid phone, and I just want to talk about a few reasons why that phone maybe a little bit better than the 13 Pro. Now, there’s really only one main area where I think the iPhone 11 Pro really wins, and that is the value per dollar for the iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro, besides promotion and probably the better build quality, they’re almost exactly the same phone. I did a speed comparison between them, I’ve compared their cameras, and although the iPhone 13 Pro is the better phone in every single way, the iPhone 11 Pro is right behind it, and with the 13 Pro at a thousand dollars, the 11 Pro at that $500 standpoint is definitely a better deal for sure.

To be honest, even though it’s half the price, it’s not half the phone, you are getting a very good quality device overall. To give you some perspective, the screen isn’t half the screen, the camera quality isn’t half of the iPhone 13 Pro, and the performance isn’t half the performance…

